Thursday, 19 November 2009

                                                    I ALSO LIKE WATCHING MERLIN
                                                  AS YOU CAN SEE I AM A MASSIVE 
                                                                        MAN UTD FAN
                                                          COME ON YOU REDS!!!!!!!!!!

chapter 2

Mike Peabody was stewing in the dark of his crooked house the smell of poo from the street was seeping through. Then he had an idea the urchins nobody cared about them so they would be the perfect target.

Thomas was sitting in a doorway of a smelly house trying hard not to fall asleep when all of a sudden a tall figure loomed over him "how would you like to be rich boy?" the man said 
"I would like that a lot, unfortuantly it will never happen," said Thomas.
"I can make you rich if you help me, my name is D.r Mike Peabody"   

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

rainbow puffle

. first go to the pet shop 
. next click on puffle catalog
. then click on all the puffles adopt sign but press exit
. next go to your igloo there you have a rainbow puffle

welcome i am faber and i will show you cheats on club penguin

. First go to the night club 
. Next walk over to dj3k
. before you get there press the home icon at the bottom
. then select yes on the menu 
. next get about 1 point 
. then press exit twice

Hope you enjoy